Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017

An brief and unplanned hiatus

I had no intention of doing this, but you know how life gets in the way?


Between Irene cutting the power (and the electric company telling us it could be "several days" until we get it back) and some brand new job responsibilities that include managing a staff of 35 or so--who all work intensely hard with families who have very complex needs, and therefore need every ounce of support I can offer--I'm not going to be blogging this week.

Right now, I'm thinking I'll be back next Wednesday, and I can't wait, because I've got some really cool stuff planned, and Fall 2011 is going to be generally awesome.

Until then, I'm underwater. 

I hope all of you on the east coast weathered the storm well, and that all of you are enjoying this last week before fall is officially underway!

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