Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017

Does Sunshine Bring Hope

What a difference the weather makes! Although I am weak and slightly cranky, I really enjoyed the fantastic Summer weather that we had today.

There wasn't a single breeze! This meant that I could actually go outside without a scarf. It was an amazing feeling. I have never been one for the hot weather, I burn like a crisp in 5 minutes (no joke) but if I had weather like this to enjoy for a couple of weeks, it would make this hellish pain seem bearable. The pain won't go, but it makes life worth living. 

Instead of my constant whining and giving out, this is a post about enjoying the simple things!! When dealing with Trigeminal Neuralgia or any chronic pain condition, we need to focus on the positives. I had a good day today. My pain is still averaging on a 9, which when it's out of 10 is bad. Today, I managed to keep most of my triggers away, and now I feel hopeful. Maybe, just maybe I will get through this bullshit condition with my sanity intact.

 There is one thing that I have realised since my diagnosis, priorities change dramatically. The things that were once important now takes a back seat. So I am hoping with all my might that we may have a few more days of this glorious weather!!

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