Rabu, 21 Juni 2017

SANCTUM ARC Winner! Also how I antiqued those maps

Well! Thanks so much to everyone who commented last week--I was thrilled to see that so many people feel the same way I do about maps to go with books.

In a few weeks, I'll unveil the map of the dark city, the place where most of SANCTUM takes place, on my website. Still working to get the final details in place.

But for now--one of you has won an ARC of SANCTUM, and a custom copy of that map!

And the winner (chosen by random number generator from the comments left in this post) is ...

Stephanie Diaz!

Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the book and the map!

Some of you have asked me why the maps look so aged and worn, so I will tell you: I did that part myself. It was kinda labor intensive, but very much worth it. Here's what I did:

  1. I printed the maps on heavy, 25% cotton paper that already had a cream tint to it.
  2. I painted each map with tea. Just me and my basting brush and English Breakfast. Yep.
  3. Once both sides were saturated with tea, I scuffed the edges of each map using a rag. Rubbing. Lots and lots of rubbing.
  4. I dried each map for 10 minutes in the oven. 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. I burned the edges of each map in a candle flame.

For each map, this process probably took about 25-30 minutes start to finish. Now you see why only 45 copies exist :)

And I have about 6 left! So ... there will be more opportunities to win one!

Have you ever "antiqued" a document or picture before? Did you do something different from what I have here? How did it go?

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