Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

Origins Blogfest How it all began

Today I'm participating in the Origins blogfest, hosted by the very awesome Matt MacNish, DL Hammons, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Katie (Creepy Query Girl), where the participants answer the following: When and how did you first become a writer? How did it all begin? What are your writing origins?

For me, it was rather simple and abrupt. It was the weekend right after my birthday. For a few months, I'd been sort of playing with the idea of writing a book, but, having never written so much as a haiku outside of regular course assigments (oh-so-many years ago), it seemed kind of random. I think this happens to a lot of people--everybody thinks they can write a novel, right? That was me.

That weekend, though, I started it. And ... rapidly got sucked in to the point of obsession. Four weeks later, I'd written a 98k word paranormal romance. It was the most ecstatic, amazing experience. I couldn't believe I'd actually done it! I'd written a book!

Like many newbie writers, I was so infatuated with this story that I was initially blind to its flaws, and I wrote about 80k words of a sequel before I abruptly halted it. I realized I might need to slow down and learn a thing or two. So I started doing my homework, participating in forums, finding myself a crit partner, learning about the whole process--including the fact that I was one among at least 30,000 querying writers. That's a lot of competition.

It was two years ago this month when I figured that out. That was when I started writing SANCTUM--which will be released in the fall. Wow. It feels so funny to say that. So much has happened since then. I've written six full-length manuscripts and a few hundred pages of other stuff (short stories, partially completed work). I've made incredible writing friends. I've learned a lot. I've become part of a community. And I've had--and continue to have--A LOT of fun.

That's it for me! I can't wait to go around and read everyone else's stories! And if you're not participating in the blogfest, please tell us how you got started in the comments!

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