Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

If a psychologist makes a joke while all alone in her office

Today, I am ... well, I am nervous. At noon, I'll be giving my first online seminar ever, and it will be the final keynote session for MediaBistro's Literary Festival.

As much as I talk about being shy, I'm actually a good presenter. I love connecting with my audience,  making them laugh and seeing them respond to what I'm saying and all that great stuff. I do a lot of training at work, and the staff seem to enjoy it (apparently I make a lot of funny faces). I've presented at conferences and to rooms full of CEOs. And I don't get nervous, not anymore. Until today!

Because today, as I present "Overcoming Obstacles to Becoming the Writer You Want To Be," I'll be in my office, wearing headphones, talking into a webcam, and trying to be charming even though I AM ALL BY MYSELF.

Heh. So, anyway, to occupy you while I climb the walls, here is something that I find quite lovely ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

This, as you might have figured out, is the spine and part of the back of the dust jacket for SANCTUM. I think it is rather badass.

And, because you are here and still reading, I will share with you a bit of news. If you've read any of the first few reviews (there aren't many, but they're *starting* to come in), you may have seen that they mention the ending. I'm thrilled that it's getting that kind of reaction. And if you decide to read it and have that same kind of reaction, this is for you:

YES. The first chapter of the AS-YET-UNTITLED BOOK TWO will be included at the end of SANCTUM! So there's a map, and there's a sneak peek, and oh, yes, a BOOK between those two pieces of awesomeness. I think you might want to pre-order this sexy-fantastic thing (for less than $9 ...). Or, you know, you could enter to win the ARC here (that giveaway ends tomorrow!).

And now, off I scuttle. I won't be around next week, but I'll be back the week after, when I'll be sharing with you bits of the talk I'm giving today, specifically the parts about dealing with writer's block. If you commented on my original post on this topic, your first name/posting name is on my acknowledgments slide. I really appreciated your input, and I will repay it with a little series on writer's block at the end of this month!

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