Selasa, 28 Maret 2017

SF Giants baseball player on disabled list with anxiety

I've talked in the past on PANIC! about pro athletes being sidelined by panic and anxiety. Here in San Francisco, it's happened again, to Giants infielder Aubrey Huff:
San Francisco Giants baseball player Aubrey Huff has been put on the 15-day disabled list because of anxiety, according to the team’s manager, Bruce Bochy...
Huff has had his share of troubles. He is currently going through a divorce and his father was murdered when he was 7. His career has been floundering this year. And on Saturday, while playing second base  for the first time, Huff did not cover second base on what could have been a key double play. Some described the play as "embarrassing."
Any and all of these events could lead to anxiety and panic attacks for certain individuals, experts said.
This is a bummer for Huff, and I hope he feels back on solid ground soon. And bravo to him for being public about what he's going through:
"Without interviewing Mr. Huff, it is impossible to know the precise nature of his anxiety," said Dr. Una McCann, director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute. "However, I'm impressed that he was so open about the diagnosis, since psychiatric illnesses continue to be stigmatized."
"Be being forthright about his problem, he did a real service for all those other patients with anxiety disorders who feel they need to hide their diagnoses or are embarrassed to speak about them," said McCann. 
Aubrey Huff's my new favorite Giant.

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