Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Mental Health Break

As a mental health professional, I'm very much in favor of mental health, including my own.

So many good things are happening right now, but I can also detect in myself the signs of stress, and I know I need to take a few weeks and focus.

I'll be back on Monday, July 9th. I'll have a map to share, awesome news to announce, ARCs to give away (if you're a book blogger and you want to give one away on your blog or have a copy to review, email me?), the tale of how I met Matthew MacNish IN PERSON to tell (it's going to happen! Yes, it is!), and more psychologically informative blah blah blahing to do! That includes a summary of all your input and perspectives on writer's block--and thank you once again for generously contributing them!

But for now, I have deadlines to meet, a story to write, a presentation to prepare, an office to move, and a Matthew MacNish to meet in person (that part will be fun, but I think I have to drive to Cambridge, which will likely be ... not fun).

Have a wonderful two weeks, folks! I can't wait to catch up with all of you when I get back!

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