Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

The Id Takes Over the Blog and OFFERS YOU A PRIZE

Hi, everyone! This is Sarah's id. This week has been INSANE at her day job, and on top of that, she has a terrible cold. While the rest of her is passed out somewhere, just trying to recover, I have taken on blog duty. And you know what? My mouth is stuffed so full of marshmallows that I can barely think past the pillowy-gooey-deliciousness.

So help me out here.

I cracked into Sarah's plastic, and I'll award a $20 Amazon gift card or a ten-page crit, your choice, to one of you (she'll be doing the crit, not me. The only thing I'm good for is watching Vampire Diaries, eating onion rings, and other activities of instant gratification).

All you have to do:

1. Ask a question (you could ask just about anything about her work as a psychologist, her writing, a psychological question about something you're working on, or a psychological question about something you've just kinda wondered about).


2. Recommend a YA book that contains a character with a mental/emotional/developmental disorder or just involves interesting psychological issues.

That's all. Oh, and if you become a new follower of the blog or on Twitter, or if you RT the contest, or if you are a current follower and remind her of this fact in the comments, she'll give you extra entries. She's more organized than I am.

This giveaway thing will end next Wednesday, May 18th, at midnight EST. Winner (who will be selected randomly, cuz' that's how I roll) announced Friday, May 20th.

Fire away. I'm off to find me some fried food.

Oh, one more thing. Justine Dell is having her 300 followers contest HERE. It's extraordinarily easy to enter and there are tons of nifty prizes. I'm going to enter Sarah when she's not looking *crosses fingers for the Livia Dane short story* (psst ... if you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll want to find out!).

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