Minggu, 23 Juli 2017


Have you ever wondered what kind of chores you can give children and how soon you can begin doing so? Well, here is a guide given by Sheila Seifart on some personal and family chores that children of different ages can perform:

PS: The kind of chores one gives children are dependent on the kind of home environment/ setting that they live in.

Ages 2 and 3

Personal chores
  • Assist in making their beds
  • Pick up playthings with your supervision
Family chores
  • Take their dirty laundry to the laundry basket
  • Fill a pet's water and food bowls (with supervision)
  • Help a parent clean up spills and dirt
  • Dust

Ages 4 and 5

Note: This age can be trained to use a family chore chart.
Personal chores
  • Get dressed with minimal parental help
  • Make their bed with minimal parental help
  • Bring their things from the car to the house
Family chores
  • Set the table with supervision
  • Clear the table with supervision
  • Help a parent prepare food
  • Help a parent carry in the lighter groceries
  • Match socks in the laundry
  • Answer the phone with parental assistance
  • Be responsible for a pet's food and water bowl
  • Hang up towels in the bathroom
  • Clean floors with a dry mop

Ages 6 and 7

Note: This age can be supervised to use a family chore chart.
Personal chores
  • Make their bed every day
  • Brush teeth
  • Comb hair
  • Choose the day's outfit and get dressed
  • Write thank you notes with supervision
Family chores
  • Be responsible for a pet's food, water and exercise
  • Vacuum individual rooms
  • Wet mop individual rooms
  • Fold laundry with supervision
  • Put their laundry in their drawers and closets
  • Put away dishes from the dishwasher
  • Help prepare food with supervision
  • Empty indoor trash cans
  • Answer the phone with supervision

Ages 8 to 11

Note: This age benefits from using a family chore chart.
Personal chores
  • Take care of personal hygiene
  • Keep bedroom clean
  • Be responsible for homework
  • Be responsible for belongings
  • Write thank you notes for gifts
  • Wake up using an alarm clock
Family chores
  • Wash dishes
  • Wash the family car with supervision
  • Prepare a few easy meals on their own
  • Clean the bathroom with supervision
  • Rake leaves
  • Learn to use the washer and dryer
  • Put all laundry away with supervision
  • Take the trash can to the curb for pick up
  • Test smoke alarms once a month with supervision
  • Screen phone calls using caller ID and answer when appropriate

Ages 12 and 13

Personal chores
  • Take care of personal hygiene, belongings and homework
  • Write invitations and thank you notes
  • Set their alarm clock
  • Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries
  • Change bed sheets
  • Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning
Family chores
  • Change light bulbs
  • Change the vacuum bag
  • Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes
  • Clean mirrors
  • Mow the lawn with supervision
  • Baby sit (in most states)
  • Prepare an occasional family meal

    Ages 14 and 15

    Personal chores
    • Responsible for all personal chores for ages 12 and 13
    • Responsible for library card and books
    Family chores
    • Do assigned housework without prompting
    • Do yard work as needed
    • Baby sit
    • Prepare food — from making a grocery list and buying the items (with supervision) to serving a meal — occasionally
    • Wash windows with supervision

    Ages 16 to 18

    Personal chores
    • Responsible for all personal chores for ages 14 and 15
    • Responsible to earn spending money
    • Responsible for purchasing their own clothes
    • Responsible for maintaining any car they drive (e.g., gas, oil changes, tire pressure, etc.)
    Family chores
    • Do housework as needed
    • Do yard work as needed
    • Prepare family meals — from grocery list to serving it — as needed
    • Deep cleaning of household appliances, such as defrosting the freezer, as needed

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