Kamis, 19 Januari 2017

And the SANCTUM blog tour begins!

Okay, first, I need to tell you: thanks to each and every one of you who donated and spread the word about Justine Dell's and my fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We raised nearly $1000 between the auction and donations, and I'm going to add my own contribution to that. I am so grateful to you for helping us raise money for this very important cause. Winners will be announced shortly!

And second ...whoa. This is really happening.

Over the next three weeks, I'll be all over the blogosphere, at some pretty amazing blogs, talking about all things Sanctum, as well as a few personal tidbits.

Today, I'll tell you about two posts:

This past Friday, I was at the fabulous 2readornot2read, where I posted about the mythology of Sanctum, including how the Shadowlands works and the origins of the Mazikin--the true baddies of the story. If you want to win Sanctum, check out the rafflecopter at the bottom of the post!

And today, I'm at Fantasy & SciFi Lovin' News and Reviews, sharing my top 5 favorite fantasy and sci-fi novels. It's a pretty eclectic list, but includes an author you might know, because she's also a wonderful member of our blogging community. Anyway--there's another chance to win Sanctum there.

Here we go!

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